Lessons and Resources for Teaching Third Grade Math Using Picture Graphs
Picture Graphs, Picture Graphs, Picture Graphs! Who doesn't love picture graphs! Graphing and Data have always been one of my very favorite thing to teach! Graphing lessons can using stand alone, so if you have wiggle room in your curriculum map, you can start the year with Getting to Know You Graphs, or wait until October and have fun with Fall and / or Halloween Graphs, you get the idea!
Guiding Questions to Introduce a Lesson
{Using the above graph or any graph from any media, newspaper, magazine, Internet, etc.}
1. What is the title of the graph?2. What are we looking at on the graph?
3. What items are being used to represent students on the graph?
4. Could you think of another interesting picture they could have used for this graph?
5. What does half a pencil stand for?
6. What do you think the longest row means? The shortest?
Continue with more guided questions or have the students make up some to share.
After discussing this graph...
Ask students what some other things they could graph might be, this is be a perfect review and lead in for the next lesson tomorrow..... Making Picture Graphs.
Most important point to spiral...
Always use the key and NEVER assume each picture equals ONE.
When your done with your lessons, I have some great resources for small group time, centers, seat work or as a spiral review when you move to chapter three.
Using Picture Graphs Resource Includes:
FOUR Graph Reference Task Cards
Sixteen Task Cards
Three Recording Printable Worksheets
Three Answer Key Sheets.
FOUR Graph Reference Task Cards
Sixteen Task Cards
Three Recording Printable Worksheets
Three Answer Key Sheets.
Also Available in this Bundle!
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