Inexpensive Christmas Ornament Craft with Cardboard Coasters

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Fern Smith's Inexpensive Christmas Ornament Craft with Cardboard Coasters
This is a quick and easy ornament we made one snowy weekend!
All you need are cheap seasonal cardboard coasters from the Dollar Store and some ribbon. Hole punch a hole at the top, tie on a ribbon and then write your message on the back.
Fern Smith's Inexpensive Christmas Ornament Craft with Cardboard Coasters
{Durn good thing my teens never read my blog, they would die!}

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  1. I love that this has Andrew and Heather on it! (My husband's and my names.) Are those both of your kids?
    ~Heather aka HoJo~

    1. Yes! How cool! Heather because of "Fern" I seriously wanted a floral name and Andrew is named after my Dad. :) Small world.


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