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This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards, Worksheets, & Assessments Resource is CCSS Math Aligned and can help your class over come the stumbling block of mastering word problems that many students face.
Research shows that many 3rd graders can understand the math skill, for example Multiply With 3, but with independent reading and solving the word problems, they usually hit a roadblock due to the “higher than grade level” vocabulary that is included in these math word problems. By using the repetitive language in these word problems, your students will feel more and more successful during the week!

This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards, and Assessments Resource has a MATCHING Resource:
This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource has enough material for you to use as an introduction to multiply with one word problems, three daily lessons of four word problems a day, task cards for your math center to remediate and review multiply with 3 word problems, black and white take home multiply with three task cards, a review of the multiply with 3 word problems, and an assessment of the multiply with eight skill, so many ways to use the different components, you could use them all year to spiral your word problem lessons!

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Matching 3rd Grade Divide By 3 Word Problems, Task Cards, and Assessments For Your Classroom!
Matching 3rd Grade Divide By 3 Four Pack Bundle - Word Problems, Task Cards, Color By Numbers, Center Games, and Assessments For Your Classroom!

Your students will enjoy the freedom of these Multiply With Three Word Problem Task Cards while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! Perfect for review. You will love how easy it is to prepare these multiply with task cards for your centers, small group work, scoot, read the room, homework, seat work, the possibilities are endless. Students can answer in your classroom journals or the included recording sheets. Perfect for an assessment grade for the week with a pre-test and post-test included!

This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource Includes:
* Teacher Directions with an Included Weekly Lesson Plan
* Pretest {Pre-Test} Assessment
* Three Multiply With Three Worksheets {Four Problems Per Day}
* 12 Multiply With Three Word Problem Task Cards in Color
* 12 Multiply With Three Word Problem Task Cards in Black and White
* Posttest {Post-Test} Assessment
* All Answer Keys Are Included!
* Please note that all 12 problems are the same on each item. This is to build strength and confidence in READING the word problems, while having a spiral review of Multiply With Three!

This 3rd Grade Multiply With Three Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource is designed to review the third grade math standards to prepare your students for success on weekly tests, state tests, and helping students master the standards in real world scenarios.

Suggested Weekly Lesson Plans for Using This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource:
- MONDAY: Give the students the pre-test to assess their previous knowledge. Student self grade or teacher grade and return. Give each student a set of the black and white task cards and a baggie. They can complete the 12 task cards on the included recording sheet or on the actual 12 task cards and place them into the baggie to take home. Another suggestion is that they cut the 12 cards out in class and complete them at home.
- TUESDAY: Give SHEET #1 as bell work, class work, small group work, center work, etc. Use the color version of the task cards at your math center, during math rotation, small group work or RTI one on one review for Tuesday through Thursday.
- WEDNESDAY: Give SHEET #2 as bell work, class work, small group work, center work, etc. Students can even self correct these sheets by putting the answers up on your board digitally or as simple as the actual piece of paper by the pencil sharpener, water fountain, etc.
- THURSDAY: Give SHEET #3 as bell work, class work, small group work, center work, etc.
- FRIDAY: Give the students the post-test for your grade book. Students should show extreme success because they have been given the exact same problems all week.

Grab this 3rd Grade Multiply With Three Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource to PRINT & USE in your Math Center TODAY!

Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These task cards are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing their basic facts with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!

This 3rd Grade Multiply With 3 Word Problems, Task Cards & Assessments Resource is Perfect for...
- A Fast Finishers Tub
- Small Group Lessons
- Math Workstations
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Division Take Home Work
- Homework Worksheets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Math Buckets
- Parent Volunteer Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Small Math Group Lessons
- Math Center Assignments
- And so much more!
Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or Substitute Teacher Folder!
Common Core State Standards
Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
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