"This was great practice for my students! Thank you!" - Krista Mehrtens
"So thankful I found your product! The task cards were excellent practice which allowed me to see the students' strengths and weaknesses. The extra sheets have been used as morning work and remediation. This is a must have for any geometry unit." - Amartinkus M.
"I used all these print-outs for my class. They enjoyed using them and it definitely helped them to understand perimeter." - Julie R.
"Great practice for my math intervention students. It was great to see all the different units of measurement you used when creating this product." - Bronwen

Page 1 - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages and cards inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Finding Perimeter with Perimeter Pete Folder Cover.Page 2 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Math Center Printables for your classroom.Page 3 - Perimeter Pete's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Math Centers" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the “Math Center” folder cover and place the blank pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to get their own page/pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Math Center folder to an area on the floor and work with clip boards.Page 4 - Perimeter Pete's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Perimeter Printables" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Perimeter Printables" folder cover and place the blank pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to get their own page/pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Perimeter Printables Folder to an area on the floor and work with clip boards.Pages 5 to 6 - Two printable worksheet pages are included with this resource. Page 5 has #1 - #8 and page 6 has #9 - #16. You can use one each day at your math center, for morning work, homework, seat work, or as a pre-assessment and/or a post- assessment. If you have a more advanced group, you can copy the two pages front to back for 16 total problems to solve in one day. The directions state, "Solve and circle the correct answer."Pages 7 to 8 - The Answer Keys for pages 5 & 6. These answer keys can also be laminated and left at your math center to be used by the student to self-check their answers.Pages 9 to 10 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Center Games and Center Games Printables for your classroom.Page 11 - Perimeter Pete's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Center Games" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Center Games" folder cover and place the perimeter math center clip cards and blank worksheet pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center or their seat work basket for the students to get their own clip cards and worksheet pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Perimeter Center Games Folder to an area on the floor and student desks.Pages 12 to 19 - Sixteen Perimeter Center Games Clip Cards with a cute Perimeter Pete Theme! Use clothes pins or math counters to select the answers, in my Preview Example Photo, I use the adorable, colorful, plastic bear counters. 3rd and 4th graders are still only 8 and 9 years old, they love these math manipulatives!Pages 20 to 21 - The Student Self-Checking Sheets for the 16 clip cards. Laminate these two pages and leave them at your math center or in the math center folder to be used by the student to self-check their answers on the clip cards. You can also make the clip cards self-checking with a sticker behind each correct answer.Page 22 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Task Cards and Task Card Printables for your classroom.Page 23 - Perimeter Pete's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Task Cards" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Task Card Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Task Cards" folder cover and place the task cards and blank worksheet pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to use the Perimeter Task Cards and get their own worksheet page. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Perimeter Task Cards Folder to an area on the floor or student desks.Pages 24 to 27 - Sixteen Perimeter Center Task Cards with a cute Perimeter Pete Theme! Please note that the sixteen problems are the same shapes and units of measurements in all parts of this resource. That way your students will have excellent practice with reviewing and reinforcing their "Finding the Perimeter" skills.Page 28 - Recording Sheet for task cards 1 to 16.Page 29 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking page for task cards 1 to 16.Pages 30 to 33 - Sixteen BLACK AND WHITE Perimeter Center Task Cards with a cute Perimeter Pete Theme and a simple black border for printing in black and white only!Pages 34 to 45
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! (The actual number of pages listed on this TpT description page does not include this bonus letter. The resource is a total of 33 pages and these 12 pages are a free bonus for my WONDERFUL teacher friends!)

This Finding the Perimeter Center Games, Task Cards, and Printable Worksheets Math Center Resource is Perfect for...
- Remediation and RTI groups
- Substitute teacher folders
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Workstations
- Indoor recess
- Read the Room Game
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Morning Math buckets
- Math centers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Parent Math Nights
- And so much more!
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.This resource is so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

Finding class time for your students to review the skills you teach them each day can be challenging! This Area Center Games, Task Cards, and Printable Worksheets Math Center Resource is perfect for your math centers for independent review, seat work, homework, or your small group time, for a guided teacher review!
Area Arnie is an adorable Green Robot and is the theme of this resource. He will be help you and your students with finding the area of a variety of shapes and units of measurement!

"My kids are loving these! Very kid-friendly." - Alison C.
"This is an awesome activity. My students love working with Arnie!" - Melanie A.
"Perfect for independent math practice!" - Elenitsa4
"Thanks for a great resource! Great way to pull in those reluctant students!" - Sharon C.
"Super kid friendly graphics! This pack is a great resource with a super lesson! Thank-You!" - Starla W.

Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These task cards and center games are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!
This Area Center Games, Task Cards, and Printable Worksheets Math Center Resource is Part of the Following Larger Bundle:
This Area Center Games, Task Cards, and Printable Worksheets Math Center Resource Includes:
Page 1 - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages and cards inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Area with Area Arnie Folder Cover.
Page 2 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Math Center Printables for your classroom.
Page 3 - Area Arnie's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Math Centers" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the “Math Center” folder cover and place the blank pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to get their own page/pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Math Center folder to an area on the floor and work with clip boards.
Page 4 - Area Arnie's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Area Printables" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Area Printables" folder cover and place the blank pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to get their own page/pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Area Printables Folder to an area on the floor and work with clip boards.
Pages 5 to 6 - Two printable worksheet pages are included with this resource. Page 5 has #1 - #8 and page 6 has #9 - #16. You can use one each day at your math center, for morning work, homework, seat work, or as a pre-assessment and/or a post- assessment. If you have a more advanced group, you can copy the two pages front to back for 16 total problems to solve in one day. The directions state, "Solve and circle the correct answer."
Pages 7 to 8 - The Answer Keys for pages 5 & 6. These answer keys can also be laminated and left at your math center to be used by the student to self-check their answers.
Pages 9 to 10 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Center Games and Center Games Printables for your classroom.
Page 11 - Area Arnie's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Center Games" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Center Games" folder cover and place the are math center clip cards and blank worksheet pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center or their seat work basket for the students to get their own clip cards and worksheet pages. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Area Center Games Folder to an area on the floor and student desks.
Pages 12 to 19 - Sixteen Area Center Games Clip Cards with a cute Area Arnie Theme! Use clothes pins or math counters to select the answers, any type of math counters can be FUN! 3rd and 4th graders are still only 8 and 9 years old, they love these math manipulatives!
Pages 20 to 21 - The Student Self-Checking Sheets for the 16 clip cards. Laminate these two pages and leave them at your math center or in the math center folder to be used by the student to self-check their answers on the clip cards. You can also make the clip cards self-checking with a sticker behind each correct answer.
Page 22 - Teacher Directions and Photos for making and using the Task Cards and Task Card Printables for your classroom.
Page 23 - Area Arnie's Matching Printable Colorful Math Center Sign saying "Task Cards" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Task Card Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Task Cards" folder cover and place the task cards and blank worksheet pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to use the Area Task Cards and get their own worksheet page. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Area Task Cards Folder to an area on the floor or student desks.
Pages 24 to 27 - Sixteen Area Center Task Cards with a cute Area Arnie Theme! Please note that the sixteen problems are the same shapes and units of measurements in all parts of this resource. That way your students will have excellent practice with reviewing and reinforcing their "Finding the Area" skills.
Page 28 - Recording Sheet for task cards 1 to 16.
Page 29 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking page for task cards 1 to 16.
Page 30 - Area Arnie's Matching Printable BLACK AND WHITE Math Center Sign saying "Task Cards" perfect to place on the wall of your Math Center or on a Folder to create a moveable Task Card Math Center if space or movement is limited. Use the "Task Cards" folder cover and place the task cards and blank worksheet pages inside the folder. Place the folder at your math center, seat work basket, or morning work area for the students to use the Area Task Cards and get their own worksheet page. If space is limited in your classroom, your students can take the Area Task Cards Folder to an area on the floor or student desks.
Pages 31 to 34 - Sixteen BLACK AND WHITE Area Center Task Cards with a cute Area Arnie Theme and a simple black border for printing in black and white only!
Pages 35 to 46
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! (The actual number of pages listed on this TpT description page does not include this bonus letter. The resource is a total of 34 pages and these 12 pages are a free bonus for my WONDERFUL teacher friends!)
*** Excellent for an assessment. ***

- Remediation and RTI groups
- Substitute teacher folders
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Workstations
- Indoor recess
- Read the Room Game
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Morning Math buckets
- Math centers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Parent Math Nights
- And so much more!

Common Core State Standard
Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.
Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.


To Recap ~ This Area Center Games, Task Cards, and Printable Worksheets Math Center Resource Includes:
→ 1 Teacher Folder Cover with a green Area Arnie theme.
→ 4 Teacher Direction Pages complete with Photos!
→ → → Perfect to give to a parent volunteer or your PFA to show them how you would like this resource put together.
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Math Center"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Area Printables"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Center Games"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Task Cards"
→ 16 Task Cards in color.
→ 1 BLACK & WHITE Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Task Cards"
→ 16 Task Cards in black and white.
→ 2 Recording Printable Worksheets
→ 1 Recording Printable Worksheet for the Task Cards
→ 5 Answer Key Sheets / Student Self-Checking Sheets Total.

→ 4 Teacher Direction Pages complete with Photos!
→ → → Perfect to give to a parent volunteer or your PFA to show them how you would like this resource put together.
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Math Center"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Perimeter Printables"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Center Games"
→ 1 Math Center / Folder Cover Sign, saying "Task Cards"
→ 16 Task Cards in color.
→ 16 Task Cards in black and white.
→ 2 Recording Printable Worksheets
→ 1 Recording Printable Worksheet for the Task Cards
→ 5 Answer Key Sheets / Student Self-Checking Sheets Total.
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