My Funky Series have been one of my very favorite to create and use in my classrooms, the mixed up colors make it where the students can't predict the answers, adding not only a challenge to the work, but surprise and joy when it is all finished!
20 Pages of Winter Math Fun! Funky Penguins Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Facts with Color By Number Printables for Winter Addition, Winter Subtraction, Winter Multiplication and Winter Division in your classroom!
Winter Color By Number Subtraction Funky Penguins
Funky Penguins mixes the colors so the students can't predict the answers! 20 Answer Keys too!
This convenience bundle has the following four resources:
Below are links to each resource that focuses specifically on one math skill.
This math resource includes:
FIVE printables and FIVE answer keys for basic multiplication facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!

This math resource includes:
FIVE printables and FIVE answer keys for basic division facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!
This math resource includes:
FIVE printables and FIVE answer keys for basic addition facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!
This math resource includes:
FIVE printables and FIVE answer keys for basic subtraction facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!
This math resource includes:
TEN printables and TEN answer keys for basic addition and subtraction facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!
This math resource includes:
TEN printables and TEN answer keys for basic addition and subtraction facts with a FUN Winter Penguin Theme!
More Fun Pictures and Links for You!
This math resource is perfect for classes that need no holidays themes.
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
FIVE No Prep Printables that can be used for your math center, homework, small group, early finishers, RTI pull out, seat work. Answer Keys TOO!
This math resource is perfect for classes that need no holidays themes.
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
FIVE No Prep Printables that can be used for your early finishers, math center, small group, RTI pull out, seat work or homework. Answer Keys TOO!
This math resource is perfect for classes that need no holidays themes.
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
Click here to download it and print it immediately!
FIVE No Prep Printables that can be used for seat work, tutoring, your math center, scouts, homework, small group, early finishers, RTI pull out. Answer Keys TOO!
This math resource is perfect for classes that need no holidays themes.
FIVE No Prep Printables that can be used for homework, small group, early finishers, seat work, tutoring, your math center, scouts, RTI pull out, and much, much more. Answer Keys TOO!
Are you a Pre-K or Kindergarten Teacher?
I have the same Funky Penguins for Numbers only too!
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The post, Winter Fun! Funky Penguins Color Your Answers Printables For Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, first appeared on Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas.
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