You will love how easy it is to prepare this Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource for your class. My students LOVED Literacy Centers and your students will too! You can dedicate one of your reading centers, reading workstations, as a skills only center. By changing out the skill each week, your students already know the directions for using the resources at the reading center.

With this Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource your reading center can be placed in a folder {with the folder cover on the front of the folder} and the student can take the center back to their seat if classroom space is limited. Your students will enjoy the freedom of center games while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! This Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource is perfect for assessment grades for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students!
Once your students know the expectations of using center games, your literacy reading skills reading center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 1,500+ of my center games! Click here to see all my center games.
This Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource is part of Bigger Bundles:
- Fall and Spring Syllable Sort Center Games Fall Owl and Spring Owl Bundle
- The Entire Year of Syllable Sort Center Games Bundle
This Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource has a Matching Spring Owl Resource:

When it comes to the ease of prepping this Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource, all of the pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin shape, just rectangles, perfect for primary elementary school students!
This Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource Includes:
Page One - A cover page stating "Syllable Sort" and "Fall Owl Theme" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a literacy center folder cover for your students, by putting this literacy center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use this first page, the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your literacy center.
Page Two - Common Core Poster, This Common Core poster can also be printed, 3-hole punched and placed in your lesson plans to correspond with your literacy center activities.
Page Three - Teacher Directions.
Page Four - Student Directions.
Page Five - An Adorable Owl Themed Student Sorting Mat for One Syllable Words.
Page Six - An Adorable Owl Themed Student Sorting Mat for Two Syllable Words.
Page Seven - An Adorable Owl Themed Student Sorting Mat for Three Syllable Words.
Page Eight - An Adorable Owl Themed Student Sorting Mat for Four Syllable Words.
Page Nine - Student Sorting Cards for all the One Syllable Words.
Page Ten - Student Sorting Cards for all the Two Syllable Words.
Page Eleven - Student Sorting Cards for all the Three Syllable Words.
Page Twelve - Student Sorting Cards for all the Four Syllable Words.
Page Thirteen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page stated, "Pick 10 one syllable words to put into ABC order." with the numbers 1 to 10 and lines for the students' answers. This allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 one syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Page Fourteen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page stated, "Pick 10 two syllable words to put into ABC order." with the numbers 1 to 10 and lines for the students' answers. This allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 two syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Page Fifteen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page stated, "Pick 10 three syllable words to put into ABC order." with the numbers 1 to 10 and lines for the students' answers. This allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 three syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Page Sixteen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page stated, "Pick 10 four syllable words to put into ABC order." with the numbers 1 to 10 and lines for the students' answers. This allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 four syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Page Seventeen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page is divided into two columns and can be used two different ways.
One Way ~ Print enough copies for your students and slice the page in half to save ink and paper. The left side states, "One Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten one syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. The right hand side states, "Two Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten two syllable word cards and write them in ABC order.
Another Way ~ Print enough copies for your students and DO NOT slice the page in half. The left side states, "One Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten one syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. The right hand side states, "Two Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten two syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. This way your assignment is harder, because the students must do ten cards in ABC order twice. Double the assignment compared the the first set of pages. This ABC order assignment allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 one syllable words cards and 10 more cards out of the 16 two syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Page Eighteen - This worksheet for the Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource can be used as a daily work assignment or a formal or informal assessment page. This page is divided into two columns and can be used two different ways.
One Way ~ Print enough copies for your students and slice the page in half to save ink and paper. The left side states, "Three Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten three syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. The right hand side states, "Four Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten four syllable word cards and write them in ABC order.
Another Way ~ Print enough copies for your students and DO NOT slice the page in half. The left side states, "Three Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten three syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. The right hand side states, "Four Syllable Words" and there are ten lines for your students to pick ten four syllable word cards and write them in ABC order. This way your assignment is harder, because the students must do ten cards in ABC order twice. Double the assignment compared the the first set of pages. This ABC order assignment allows some ownership for the student to be able to pick 10 cards out of the 16 three syllable words cards and 10 more cards out of the 16 four syllable words cards. Perfect to differentiate your center and small group work time by assigning the different levels of pages to the different levels of your students.
Pages Nineteen to Thirty-Four - NEW REVISION ADDED on September 2020
** BONUS ** 4 pages - A More Detailed Syllable Sort Teacher Directions AND
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and
Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!

Differentiate your classroom by using this Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resources MULTIPLE WAYS!
- Use the one syllable word cards and two syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat and the two syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the two syllable word cards and three syllable word cards with the two syllable sorting mat and the three syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the three syllable word cards and four syllable word cards with the three syllable sorting mat and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards and three syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat and the three syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards and four syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the two syllable word cards and four syllable word cards with the two syllable sorting mat and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards, the two syllable word cards, and the three syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat, the two syllable sorting mat, and the three syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards, the two syllable word cards, and the four syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat, the two syllable sorting mat, and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards, the three syllable word cards, and the four syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat, the three syllable sorting mat, and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the two syllable word cards, the three syllable word cards, and the four syllable word cards with the two syllable sorting mat, the three syllable sorting mat, and the four syllable sorting mat only.
- Use the one syllable word cards, the two syllable word cards, the three syllable word cards, and the four syllable word cards with the one syllable sorting mat, the two syllable sorting mat, the three syllable sorting mat, and the four syllable sorting mat all together.
>>>You will love how easy it is to prepare this syllable sort literacy center for your class.

This Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource is also PERFECT for...
• Remediation and RTI groups
• Substitute teacher folders
• Assessments
• Fine motor skills work
• Indoor recess
• Morning work
• Emergency sub tubs
• Homework packets
• Literacy Night with Parents
• Literacy Centers
• Early morning arrival students
• After school tutoring
• Before school tutoring
• And so much more!
This Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource is so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

To recap what's Included in this Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource:
- The Four Fall Owl Themed Sorting Mats that are all one perfect page to print, laminate and use in your center game.
- The 64 Center Game Cards are all rectangular and very easy to print and cut on your paper slicer.
- The Center Cover Folder Sign is one perfect page to print, and place on the front of a folder OR print, laminate and hang up at your literacy center area.
- The Common Core is one perfect page to print, laminate and use as a sign at your literacy center or focus wall. You can also print it and place it in your lesson plan folder.
- Teacher Directions to help you or a parent volunteer make this literacy center.
- Student Directions to include with your syllable sort center game file folder or Ziploc baggie.
- * BONUS * Twelve page letter from me with ideas, tips, and lesson plans for using Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom!
>>>You will love how easy it is to prepare this Fall Owl Themed Syllable Sort Center Games Resource for your class.
This Fall Syllable Sort Center Games Resource has More Matching Syllable Sort Center Games Resources:
- Back To School Syllable Sort Center Games
- Farm Syllable Sort Center Games
- Cinderella Syllable Sort Center Games
- Winter Syllable Sort Center Games
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears Syllable Sort Center Games
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.
First Grade
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends.
Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).
Second Grade
Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels.
Third Grade
Decode multisyllable words.
>>> Click here to see all my Syllable Sort Center Games listed by Best Sellers.

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