Balancing concrete (manipulatives) & abstract thinking skills (pencil and paper) can be quite difficult in the elementary classroom. Not everyone is at the same stage, which is why math centers and teacher small groups lessons are the best type of math instruction. However, what is "terrific" in this world and what you can ACTUALLY fit into your schedule are two different things! :)
I have a set of Equal Groups Task Cards at TpT that have 36 different task cards, the first 18 ask the students to draw the equal groups and the last 18 ask them to count the equal groups and include a final answer.
18 Equal Groups Task Cards Stating to Draw Equal Groups
When it comes to the ease of prepping these Equal Groups task cards, all pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin task card, just rectangles with graphics that are adorable and eye catching to hold your students' interest!
18 Equal Groups Task Cards Stating to Count Equal Groups
I have included two different recording sheets, one has #1 to #18 and the other has #19 to #36. If you students are advanced enough to complete all 36 task cards in one day, you can copy the recording sheets front to back for one answer sheet.
Equal Groups Task Cards Recording Sheets
Two answer keys are also included to make grade quick and easy. You can also laminate them back to back and place them at your math center to have the students self-check and correct their answers.
Equal Groups Task Cards Answer Keys Included
Equal Groups Task Cards File Folder Cover Included
These Task Cards are so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!
Equal Groups Task Cards Classroom Center Sign Included

This activity can give you a terrific assessment grade for the week or, completely different, you can use the cards to remediate a few students in your small group using manipulates and white boards.
Click here to purchase this resource.
The possibilities are endless!
Equal Groups Task Cards
The possibilities are endless!
Everything also comes in black and white to save you ink. It is not gray scale, but rather black outlines. Print a set for each student to take home and they will also have fun coloring in the pictures!

Equal Groups Task Cards are Perfect for...
Remediation and RTI groups
Substitute teacher folders
Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
Math Workstations
Indoor recess
Read the Room Game
Morning work
Emergency sub tubs
Morning Math buckets
Math centers
Early morning students
After school tutoring
Parent Math Nights
And so much more!
This Equal Groups Task Cards Resource is Also Included in the Following Bundles.
Once your students are use to the expectations of using task cards, your task card math center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 700+ of my task cards! Click here to see all my task cards.
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