Hello! Welcome to Week Three of Kindergarten. If you are reading this, CONGRATULATIONS, you have survived the first two weeks! If you are new to my blog, Click here if you would like to start reading Kindergarten Week One or here to read Kindergarten Week Two!

Kindergarten Week Three Themes
Dear Teacher - Friends,
I originally wrote this post during the 2017 - 2018 school year so I could have a place to look back and remember each week's theme and resources that I used. But that year was so busy I didn't have time to keep up with this weekly kindergarten themed blog post. In complete disclosure, I'm now fully retired from teaching, and love creating TpT resources for you. I am going to keep the first four weeks published to help Kindergarten Teachers gain a fresh idea or two. Click here to read week one, week two, and week four.
Please note that not all of these ideas may be practical during this school year. But hopefully you can return year after year for some new ideas and think, "This would be wonderful for my boys and girls this year!"
Last week I talked about finding a great book that you adore for each week and how to make classroom books for little to no money. These classroom books are adored by your students because they are the authors. As they grow to make new friends this year, they look to reread the books and find the pages that their friends created. Click here to read more about creating classroom books.

I have always loved the third week of school, Kindergarten, 6th grade, 3rd grade, it doesn't matter what grade! By the 3rd week of school you are starting to become a little family, your classroom routines and procedures are creating a calm learning environment and you have probably started your small group lessons, my favorite part of teaching! ♥

Kindergarten Week Three Themes
Here are some SUGGESTIONS for themes for the 3rd week of Kindergarten. None of these are hard set in stone, but I'm writing this list and making suggestions for you JUST IN CASE...
- you don't know where to start,
- or you are the only Kindergarten Teacher at your school,
- you are new and never taught Kindergarten,
- or you have been transferred from 5th grade to Kindergarten after the second week due to low enrollment...
I could continue to type all sorts of real world examples, but you get the picture, I'm here to help! ♥
Main Themes For the Third Week of Kindergarten
The Number Three and Goldilocks and The Three Bears
This is also a great week to introducing other classical children's stories - The Three Billy Goat's Gruff, The Three Little Pigs, and so much more!

Recommend Books For Week Three of Kindergarten
As you can tell from the picture, these are my actual books off of my bookshelf. These are not professional photos or copies of the covers, these are books that I have used and loved over the years with my students and my own children. My recommendations are simply a starting point to help you get started with your collection of favorite stories!
When it comes to Goldilocks and The Three Bears there are so many versions available. This is perfect for a week of teaching comparing and contrasting the different versions!
Heavens! Try saying that title three times fast! You see that little trick? Say it three times fast for week three! :)
I created this freebie to go with Week Three in Kindergarten. The items in this freebie is to help you on week three have a consistent theme related to Goldilocks and the Three Bears! When it comes to Goldilocks and The Three Bears there are so many versions available.
Items Included in this Goldilocks and the Three Bears FREEBIE Resource:
1. Goldilocks and the Three Bears Discussion Cards - Use these cards during your small group time to retell the story, but to also introduce your small group rules and procedures, for example, listening to others retell the story shows respect for your new classmate friend.
2. Goldilocks Color By Code Lowercase Letters a - e - perfect for demonstrating seat work expectations. Answer Key included.
3. Uppercase Alphabet Cards Center Game - For your literacy station or reading center, with multiply ways to use this listed on this blog post, you will probably want to leave it out after week three too!
4. Small Group Lesson Cards - Included with three different math lessons as well as retelling the story.
5. Baby Bear Color By Number Worksheet - Numbers 1 to 5, perfect for demonstrating your math center, math clipboard time or math seat work expectations. Answer key included!
6. Number Cards Center Games - with multiply sets of directions too, perfect to have a little Goldilocks and the Three Bears fun during math time too!

More Book Recommendations For Week Three of Kindergarten
- The Three Little Pigs By Paul Galdone
- The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs By Jon Scieszak
- The Three Little Superpigs By Claire Evans
- The Three Billy Goat Gruffs By Ellen Appleby
- The Three Billy Goat Gruffs By Carol Ottolenghi
- The Three Billy Goat Gruff By Paul Galdone
{At the end of this blog post are more details about each book I recommend.}

Additional Themes For the Third Week of Kindergarten
Triangles have three sides.
Retelling of stories
Continue to identify letters & numbers, including letter sounds and letter & number formations.
Teaching triangles is so much fun if you are allowed to have food in your district.
Step one, give them THREE stick pretzels and let them figure it out themselves. Next, give them THREE mini-marshmallows to use at the THREE angles of the triangle. Boom! Stem lesson just.like.that! Look at you go Kindergarten Teacher! After they eat their triangle, come together as a group and document on chart paper or your overhead camera everything they learned about triangles!
During the next four days, you can review triangles with Doritos, {not exact triangles, but you can discuss that it is not a circle, like week one.} watermelon slices, toast cut diagonally, cut pieces of cheese and ham, triangle created rice crispy treats, and my FAVORITE, have a little Triangle Party on Friday with triangular slices of pie and pizza! Triangles never looked so good.
*** Note, by planning ahead you can ask for parents help with these food items in your WEEK TWO newsletter. So many parents want to help, they just don't know what you need unless you ask them! :)
Triangles Needed For Your Shape Museum!
Now is a great time to start your "Shapes Museum" have children bring in items that can be left at school and display them on a desk or shelf somewhere in your room! You will be AMAZED at their creativity! Next week will be FOUR and SQUARES, so your museum will continue to grow with each shape!
You Can Grab Some of These Resources for
Shapes For Your Classroom This Week!

Kindergarten Week Three Themes
Retelling a Story
You can teach retelling in two stages...
Stage One - first, next, last.
Stage Two, or your higher group - first, next, then, after that, finally.
This week as you read different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, model for your boys and girls retelling YESTERDAY's version. Then you can have the students expand your retelling to a stage two retelling with more details.
When I moved into my last classroom, these Character Cut-Outs, or A Face in the Hole Boards were left for me. How cute are these? We used them every day that week to take turns retelling the stories. The students wearing them were the only one's allowed to talk and everyone had a turn every.single.day. Then each day I encouraged them to pick a different character. If you have someone who is great at drawing, like I share with you last week about my husband, they can make these for you for all sorts of stories. However, if you are just starting out, having each child simple holding a print out of the character they are representing works great too! In two weeks I'll share Five Little Ducks, we would just use a coloring page picture of a duck for each child for the retelling, cute, cute, cute! You'll love it!

Descriptions of My Recommended Books For Teaching Goldilocks and the Three Bears During the Third Week of Kindergarten
The Three Bears By Paul Galdone - This familiar nursery tale features a warmly appealing bear family and a naughty, little Goldilocks. I loved that Baby Bear plays with a teddy bear! Goldilocks looks very traditional with hair ribbon, gold locks and a fancy dress. The bear family is very calm looking until the end when they take on an angry appearance because their house has been invaded, so it's easy to see why Goldilocks is scared. Pefect for comparing and contrasting with other, more modern Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears By James Marshall - In this version, Goldilocks is one of those naughty little girls who does exactly as she pleases, even if that means sampling the three bears' porridge, breaking Baby Bear's chair, and sleeping in his bed. James Marshall's offbeat and inventive retelling of this story will delight readers, young and old.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears By Candice Ransom - This 8" x 8" story book features 32 pages of fresh, captivating illustrations of the story of the three bears who are in for quite a surprise when they return home and realize that a curious girl has made herself at home in their cottage. Children will eagerly continue reading to see what the bears do when they find their dinner all eaten up!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears By Caralyn Buehner - Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Little Wee Bear go out for a morning walk, hoping by the time they get home their porridge will cool to the perfect temperature. But they don't realize a jump-roping, curly-haired terror named Goldilocks is on the way. Things are about to get messy before the Bear family has a chance to eat their porridge. . . .
Goldilocks and the Three Bears By Armand Eisen - A classic retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Lost in the woods, a tired and hungry little girl finds the house of the three bears where she helps herself to food and goes to sleep!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears A Little Golden Book By F. Rojankovsky - This classic Little Golden Book edition of the famous folk tale is just perfect with the way illustrator F. Rojankovsky brought Goldilocks and the three bears to life. Originally published in 1948, this book is still perfect and so inviting for boys and girls who are fans of the story of The Three Bears!
Goldilocks and the Three Hares By Heidi Petach - In a humorous take-off of the popular fairy tale, the Hare family heads out to get some breakfast after Mama burns the oatmeal, and Goldilocks walks into their house after they leave. Oh no, what will happen next to the Hares?
Dreadlocks and the Three Bears - The award-winning children’s video Dreadlocks and the Three Bears is now a picture book. Meet world traveler, Dreadlocks, a cinnamon-brown girl with lots and lots of African curls who makes the best cheese-grits in the Teddy Bear Forest. This version of the three bears story has cheese grits instead of porridge and Dreadlocks does not run away. She apologizes to the bears and cleans up her mess. PERFECT for a compare and contrast lesson!
Believe Me Goldilocks Rocks - You think you know the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"? The tale you've heard may not be just right. This retelling of the classic story, told from Baby Bear's perspective, will convince you that Goldilocks and Baby Bear (whose real name is Sam) were actually besties! This fractured fairy tale provides a fresh perspective on a well-known tale.

Descriptions of My Recommended Books For Teaching Other Classical Children's Stories During the Third Week of Kindergarten
The Three Little Pigs By Paul Galdone - All three pigs set out to seek their fortune, but two of them come to a sorry end.
The Three Billy Goat Gruffs By Carol Ottolenghi - Featuring 32 pages of fresh, captivating illustrations, this 8" x 8" story book tells the story of the three goats as they outwit the evil troll lurking under the bridge!
More Resources For Your Classroom
Other Items You Will Like For Week Three
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