Place Value to One Million
Learning how to write numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form is not only a standard, CC.4.NBT.2, but also a needed real world skill.
In a number, each group of three digits separated by a comma is called a "period." Each period has hundreds, tens and ones. Once your students master that one little fact, it repeats over and over and over and over.... you get the picture, and with a little humor they will get it too. Over and over and over and over... hahahaha :)
We use place value to read and write numbers with these periods in place.
Standard Form: 616,966
Word Form: six hundred sixteen thousand, nine hundred sixty-six
Expanded Form: 600,000 + 16,000 + 900 + 66
Then, taking it up a step, students need to be able to take these large numbers and compare them, hopefully without mixing up the place values or being tricked by 542,678 compared to 542,768.
Teaching them to make a quick chart is one more thing that your fourth graders can add to their tool box of math tricks.
You can demonstrate it on the board or with your overhead camera with the following examples.

A Quick Chart to Add to Your Students' Mental Math Tool Box
I've created two center games and two task cards, as well as two bundles to help you introduce, reinforce, remediate and spiral review these two skills. 1. Read and Write Numbers and 2. Compare and Order Numbers.
Standard: CC.4.NBT.2 - Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
Four ways to play based on your students' abilities.
1. Match all three cards, standard form + word form + expanded form.
2. Match only two cards, word form + expanded form.
3. Match only two cards, word form + standard form.
4. Match only two cards, expanded form + standard form.
Perfect for a year long math center or math small group review based on your students' level.
This resource includes:
28 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key which can also be used as a Student Self-Checking Sheet.
This resource includes:
12 Center Game Cards
1 Sorting Mat
1 Adorable Cover Listing the Skill and Example, perfect for your Center Cover - Folder Cover or Ziplock Baggie.
12 Center Game Cards
1 Sorting Mat
1 Adorable Cover Listing the Skill and Example, perfect for your Center Cover - Folder Cover or Ziplock Baggie.
This resource includes:
28 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key which can also be used as a Student Self-Checking Sheet.
Both skills are also available in bundles.
Fourth Grade Go Math 1.3 Compare and Order Numbers Bundle
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