I LOVE Kindergarten graduation! Whether you celebrate as an entire grade level, or just in your classroom, it is a memory that parents and grandparents cherish forever! You can use my Graduation Coloring Pages as an invitation to attend, or as a blank rolled up certificate to hand to your students to color later at home, saving the actual certificate to give to their parents later as a nice keepsake. These End of the School Year Graduation Day Color For Fun Coloring Pages are my gift to you for another year of hard work, thank you teachers!
Not going to lie,
I absolutely ♥love♥ my graduation coloring pages!
You can use my Graduation Coloring Pages as a blank rolled up certificate to hand to your students to color later at home, saving the actual certificate to give to their parents later as a nice keepsake.
As of today, November 22, 2023, it has been downloaded over 10,100+ times on TpT! Grab it now and you'll be ready for a December or June ceremony for your little sweeties!
One Page is Just a Scroll and the Word Graduation!
You can use my Graduation Coloring Pages as an invitation to attend by adding your information before you copy it and then let the students color it before you send it home.
Two Pages for the Graduates!
You can use my Graduation Coloring Pages as a more personalized invitation by copying the boy page and the girl page for your students to color. Simply add your Graduation information before you copy it and then let the students color it before you send it home. Whether you celebrate as an entire grade level, or just in your classroom, it is a memory that parents and grandparents cherish forever! Make multiple copies so your students can invite family members, family friends and neighbors if their immediate family cannot attend. It's a wonderful way to let them feel grown up and think about who they want to invite!
Two More Pages for the Graduates!
My Graduation Coloring Pages also include a page for a boy graduate and a page for a girl graduate WITHOUT the word "Graduation" incase your school does not want it call it a graduation. I've been in some districts that want the term graduation saved for 12th grade, and I get that, but your parents will still love your ceremony no matter what you call it! Some other alternative ideas I've heard include:
Kindergarten Promotion!
Kindergarten Celebration!
"Here Comes Summer!"
Growing Garden, Our KinderGARDENers Bloom!
Oh, the Places You'll Go
Kindergarten Commencement
Kindergarten Ceremony
If you have another title for Kindergarten Graduation that you use, feel free to leave it in the comment section and I'll add it to this post to share with my teacher friends!
Now back to our Kindergarten Graduation blog post...
Printing on Colored Paper Adds a Nice Touch!
Printing on Colored Paper is an Easy Way to Spruce Them Up!
Rolling Them Into Scrolls is So Cute Too!
Copied on Colored Paper and Tied with Simple Sting!
You can do graduation with your entire team, with a neighboring teacher or just by yourself. You can have parents donate food for a party like atmosphere, or just set out some cookies on a plate. My last school went to the High School on buses so that there would be enough room for everyone to see. It was their tradition and I loved every minute of it! One of my schools held it outdoors on the basketball courts with the high rise bleachers. But it can be as simple as lining up your chairs at the front of the room so your boys and girls can sit alphabetically waiting for their name to be called.... No matter how detailed or how simple you and your school make it, your families will love seeing their babies graduate to First Grade! ENJOY! ♥
A Song and A Poem For YOU!
Here's a cute, simple little poem and song that your class can memorize for their families. Don't underestimate the simplicity of SIMPLE, it's the end of the year, it's a very busy day and your students will be excited, but it is worth it!
Kindergarten Graduation Mini-Poem
Beginning tune of "Twinkle, twinkle, little star."
(By Fern Smith)
First grade, first grade, here we are!
(Place thumb to chest to point to self.)
Kindergartens' rising stars!
(Throw hands up in the air like the letter V.)
Kindergarten Graduation Mini-Song
(Can be used with ANY grade actually!)
To First Grade we will go,
To First Grade we will go,
Kindergarten prepared us well,
To First Grade we will go!
Enjoy you and your students' day!

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