If you need some last minute Mother's Day ideas for your classroom, read on to see some of my favorite Mother's Day ideas and resource to help you!
Here's Some Mother's Day Fun and a Freebie Too!
Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14th this year.
Mother's Day is a day to celebrate, but also, in the classroom, a day to tip-toe around. All school year I had a few expressions I use to repeat over and over and over again, but I did so because I didn't want to hurt any little person's feelings.
"Take this home and have someone over 18 sign it."
"Read tonight to Mom, Uncle Sue, Aunt George or your dog for 20 minutes."
"Anyone can be your special someone on Mother's Day, your Mom, your Grandma, your Aunt, the nice lady next door, even Mrs. Smith."
I had such long sentences and delivered them with such silliness because life is not always easy for many of our students, sometimes school is their only place for joy.
So that being said, many of these resources can be used for an Aunt, a Grandma, a Favorite Neighbor, so that Mother's Day can still be fun!
UPDATED MAY 3, 2021 ~ 26 new pages of photos, templates, writing paper, and detailed teacher directions for TWO NEW Mother's Day Crafts and EIGHT NEW Mother's Day Cards in addition to the original 39 coloring pages! I have added pictures of the two crafts and a few sample cards to the preview, please view it for more details. If you already own this resource, please download it again to receive all the new, bonus items at no additional charge. NOW A TOTAL OF 65 PAGES!

Eight Cards Total ~ Four Colored Cards and Four Black and White Cards
Using my Mother's Day Coloring Pages, your students can color any picture and then cut it out and glue it to a folded 12 x 18 piece of construction paper to make a terrific card!
You will LOVE the 39 coloring pages that come in this Mother's Day Coloring Pages resource! Terrific for a daily coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a COLORING BOOK for your students. Perfect for your students to color their favorite page and then frame it as a gift for a Mother's Day Tea at School or Home!
Your students will ADORE these coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute graphics! Perfect for Mother's Day with 39 Coloring Pages for your classroom or personal children's fun! Students can draw in a Mother's Day background, or what they would like to do for Mother's Day in the background. Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their Mother's Day creative writing lessons!
Add it to your plans to compliment any Mother's Day Unit! Download these 39 Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Mother's Day Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
- Amy Hufstedler said: "Love your coloring sheets!"
- Jessica T. said: "My daughter loves these coloring packets!! Just downloaded some great ones for her to color during our summer vacations. Keep up the great work!"
- Miss Amy Lu said: "Thanks. I needed some color pages for Mother's Day."

With this great picture, students draw their face and their mother's face. They can then color the entire picture, cut about the outside wavy line and glue it to the front of a construction paper card. Win-win, what a wonderful keepsake!
However, not everyone lives at home with their mother, so I have also included pages for GRANDMOTHER, AUNT, SPECIAL LADY, MILITARY MOM, NAVY MOM, ARMY MOM and MOM.

These Coloring Pages are perfect for...
A Mother's Day Coloring Book Gift
A Mother's Day Card
End of the School Year party treats
End of the School Year Coloring Book Gift
Substitute teacher folders
Fine motor skills work
Indoor recess
Morning work
Emergency sub tubs
Homework packets
Art centers
Watercolor painting
Story starters
Fast finishers
Early morning students
After school tutoring
Church groups
Boy scout meetings
Girl scout meetings
And so much more!

The possibilities are endless! Print all the pages and bind together for your students for a literacy center creative writing book. OR Give the entire book to your students' Mothers as a gift that they can color together! What a great keepsake!

Pre-K to First Grade
> Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
> Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
> Coloring pages are great story starters.
> Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
> Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
> Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
> Coloring pages are great story starters.
> Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
> Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
Second Grade to Fifth Grade
> Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
> Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
> Use a coloring page as a story starter.
> Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
> Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
> Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.

Terrific Teacher Feedback
>> Amy Hufstedler said: Love your coloring sheets!
>> Jessica T. said: My daughter loves these coloring packets!! Just downloaded some great ones for her to color during our summer vacations. Keep up the great work!
>> Miss Amy Lu said: Thanks. I needed some color pages for Mother's Day.

This Mother's Day resource is ALSO part of the following bundles:

You will LOVE the 184 coloring pages that this Mother's Day Coloring Pages and Summer Coloring Pages Bundle has for your classroom. Terrific for a daily coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a COLORING BOOK for your students. Add it to your plans to compliment any Mother's Day unit or End of the School Year Summer activity! Your students will ADORE these coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute graphics! Perfect for your busy end of the year "teacher paperwork needs to get done" time, your students can extend the activity by drawing in a background and writing about their coloring book page on the back. Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their creative writing lessons! Download these one hundred, eighty-four coloring book pages for some INSTANT Mother's Day and/or End of the School Year Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!
This freebie comes with two pages for your class. One page has a sweet child with a ballcap and an adult, and the other page has a child with an adult. This way the adult can be anyone, Mother, Aunt, Older Sister, Grandma, etc.
Click here to follow my Mother's Day Pinterest Board for Educators.
Follow Fern Smith's board Mother's Day on Pinterest.
Follow Fern Smith's board Mother's Day on Pinterest.
Don’t forget that all my new products are 40% off for 48 hours.
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See ya' tomorrow,

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