When my helpers are passing out papers, the first thing the students do is sing this little sing song ~
The First Thing On Your Paper Is Your Name!
{Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It!}
The first thing on your paper is your name,
The first thing on your paper is your name.
The teacher needs to know who did your work and so,
The first thing on your paper is your name!
USUALLY they are all settled down with pencils
and their names on their papers by the time we sing this song once,
maybe twice, and I can give directions or the mini-lesson without
wasting time getting everyone to focus on me.
But with the holiday excitement fast approaching it is taking longer to
get everyone settled. So I came up with this silly little tune ~
The Last Thing On Your Wishlist Is Your Name!
{Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It!}
The last thing on your wishlist is your name,
The last thing on your wishlist is your name.
Santa needs to know who to deliver your gifts to so,
The last thing on your wishlist is your name!
They ♥♥LOVED♥♥ it! So now it gives them a few more seconds to get ready
for the lesson and I can hold it over their head! If they are having
trouble getting ready for my class after changing classes, I don't let
them sing the Christmas version. That gets them quiet quickly and they
love to sing it!
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