Today is the Day! Yipee!
I am so excited to be a part of "The Magical Product Swap!" hosted by Jessica at Mrs. Stanford's Class Blogspot! Many teachers who sell on TeachersPayTeachers have got together and swap products to review for you! If you would like to see all the teacher SWAPS click on the image/button to go to her site...now as the cute, little Magician Dog above should say, "On with the show....."I was lucky enough to trade with Christina at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge Blog.

This product is SCOOPER for sure!!
It is available at TPT ~ Fractions are SCOOPer Center Set!
This set comes with five different activities and I'm going to show you how I am going to use them this year....my family helped me cut, paste, laminate & PLAY all these games, so a big thanks to them too!
Even Queen Lilly walked across the table while we were working on this to see how she could have helped!
*Serve it Up!- students choose a customer and spin a spinner
to take ice cream scoops to build their customer’s order.
I printed this in black and grey to make as a take home game. Students will play it during the day at school and then during the unit everyone will have a turn taking it home to teach it to their family. If someone loses it or little brother destroys it, no worries, I can easily make a new one. to take ice cream scoops to build their customer’s order.
Cover Sheet with Directions
Cute, cute, cute playing cards!
My cone with one scoop so far...the 17 y/o was beating me!
All done and in a gallon Ziplock ready for a student to take home!
*Fraction Match Up– students play a memory game to match
fractions of chocolate scoops with their fraction representation.
I printed this in both color for a center game and I made a bunch in black and grey to use in my small group math lessons.
Cover Sheet with Directions!
Black and grey and in color!
I won this game! ;)
*4-in-a-row– students play a “Connect Four” style game and
write fractions when complete.
This game and activity afterwards was my favorite! I ♥loved♥ this one!write fractions when complete.
Cover Sheet with Directions!
Game Board
Game in Progress! ;)
After game activity, an excellent reinforcement!
*Ice Cream Fractions craftivity– students build an ice cream
sundae or cone by designing ice cream scoops and then write
the fraction of each scoop.
Actual student pictures from Christina's packet!
*Sweet Vowel Fractions– worksheet for students to write
fractions to show the number of vowels in an ice cream word.
Terrific for groups to investigate fractions as part of a whole on their own or in groups. Terrific for a Common Core activity!
I hope you enjoyed my chance to show you Christina's terrific product!
This looks fun! Thanks for sharing! :)
Patterson's Porch
What a great pack!! Love it! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure