A Mickey Mouse Spin on Triangular Flash Cards

Mickey Mouse Triangular Flash Cards
These little cards are paint sample cards from Home Depot, Lowes or Wal*Mart. I asked the manager if I could have some and he was very kind. I only took 13 cards so I could do the "sevens" times tables, but once I started making them I wish I had picked up another color. Next time I'm there I'm going to ask for some more colors so that I can do the "sixes" in one color and the "eights" in another color, etc! If you are not familiar with triangular flash cards, they are W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!
This little craft will also work for addition and subtraction!

To use these cards, hide one of the corner numbers with your thumb or finger. Then when you realize what number is hidden, you can figure out that addition and subtraction {OR multiplication and division}  go hand in hand. One card will have 10 - 6 = 4,  10 - 4 = 6, 6 + 4 = 10 and 4 + 6 = 10!
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  1. i LOVE this. and so ironic my math coach and i were talking about those triangular flash cards today. I know what I'll be making!

  2. Another great discovery that I think will be very useful in terms of finding new ways to learn and acquire fresh ideas to develop knowledge.

    Online Games

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. nice Micky mouse table presentation

    keep going on..

  5. OMG - my children always take so many of those Mickey things at Home Depot and then I never know what to do with them. Thanks for sharing this!!

    - Lisa
    a teachers bag of tricks

  6. Thanks Chrissy B for the award!
    I love your quote...
    Yes, I went back to school today.
    No, I don't want to talk about it.

  7. Great idea. Love it. Thanks. God Bless.


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