Quick and Easy Puppet ~ Step By Step Directions

Summer Re-Run 
Originally published June 2011, this is one of my favorite arts and crafts activity that can be used for many different reading stories as well as listening skills and following directions.
You asked for it & here is it, step by step directions for my easy-cheesy folding puppet! Click here to see the previous posts with student pictures or here to see the different 'personalities' on the different puppets. But first a great big shout out to my teen, Heather, who was working in my classroom today & climbed on a chair behind me to take the photos! She also convinced me to take the last picture, stating, "You look fine!" so I did! :)
Take one 18 x 12 piece of construction paper, color somewhat related to the animal or human you want! I am using green for our mascot, the Gators!
Fold your paper about one-third of the way. You COULD have them use a ruler, however for me, this is not a math lesson, but a way to let them independently, in the future, make puppets for Reader's Theater on THEIR OWN during the Daily Five. I tell them that it does not have to be perfect because this part will be hidden.
Now fold the top third down. . .
so that your paper is now folded somewhat into thirds "hot dog" style.
PANCAKE FLIP it over so you are looking at the PRETTY SIDE!
Fold it in half, so that the backside is now showing again & the PRETTY SIDE is on the inside.
Here's where I teach them to use a pencil to make a nice, tight fold by rubbing it on the creased side. This is a handy life skill!! :)
Now you pick up only 1/2 of the entire thing, it is the top piece and fold it backwards towards the crease. The PRETTY SIDE will be showing again.
Use the pencil trick on the crease to make it nice and tight!
PANCAKE FLIP so that you are looking at the backside again.
Fold it over halfway & use your pencil! :)
Ta-da! Your hand will now fit inside it like a puppet!
It will look like the letter M or the letter W or Sigma, or however you want to explain it to the boys and girls!
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1 comment

  1. Ahhhhh thank you so much for doing the step by step via picture and explanation! Love it and I'm going to "steal" it and do this with my 1st graders.

    Primary Connections


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